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ISO 9001:2008 - Upravljanje kvalitetom

September '13

Decisions, Resolutions and Judgements
 Decision and Resolution
Decision in the procedure of inspection supervision over operator Hrvatski Telekom d.d. – in relation to number portability in Multiplus Mobile services and non-existent address for sending written objections (pdf)
Decision in the procedure of inspection supervision over operator VIPnet d.o.o. – in relation to modifications of Terms and Conditions of Tomato Tariff “Na tuđi račun” (At another’s account) (pdf)
Provisional decision in the procedure of inspection supervision over operator of special rate services – Fabula Docet j.d.o.o., Zagreb (pdf)
Decision on modification of contract on unbundled access to local loop concluded between Hrvatski Telekom d.d. and OT-Optima Telekom d.d. (pdf)
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