Decisions and rulings
Decision in the procedure for the imposition of a monthly fee for the service of fully unbundled access to the local loop on the basis of a copper pair established on the basis of an updated BU-LRAIC+ cost model (pdf) |
Decision in the procedure for the establishment of a rate of return on capital invested in fixed and mobile network (pdf) |
Decision on the granting of consent for HT's 2015 regulatory accounting documentation (pdf) |
Decision on the revocation of the license for use of the RF spectrum on a vessel granted to GEO DRIL Ltd. (pdf) |
Ruling on illegal advertising of the 1414 short code by operator Eko Paratus Ltd. (pdf) |
Ruling on payment of the compensation for delayed number porting - IT Jedan (pdf) |
Ruling on payment of the compensation for delayed number porting - Terrakom (pdf) |
Ruling on payment of the compensation for delayed number porting - IT Jedan - Iskon Internet (pdf) |
Decision on the suspension of a procedure for the granting of licenses for use of the RF spectrum for broadband wireless access in the 10 - 10.3 Ghz frequency band in the territory of Region 3 initiated on the basis of a public invitation (pdf) |
Administrative Court judgements
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Osijek, Ref. No. UsI-1730/15-2 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf) |
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Split, Ref. No. 3 UsI-2263/13-11 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf) |
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Rijeka, Ref. No. 7UsI-1414/13-11 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf) |
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Split, Ref. No. 3Usl-4/15-15 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf) |
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-4029/13-22 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf) |
Judgments of the High Administrative Court
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-50/13-11 concerning an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom Inc. against HAKOM's decision concerning inspection supervision over the fulfilment of regulatory obligations (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-52/13-10 concerning an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom Inc. against HAKOM's decision concerning the imposition of regulatory obligations on operators (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-37/13-9 concerning an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom Inc. against HAKOM's decision concerning the supervision over the fulfilment of regulatory obligations (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. Usž-975/16-2 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No. UsII-7/14-6 in an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff CITY EX Ltd. against the defendant HAKOM concerning postal supervision (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No. UsII-54/16-3 in an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Weber Escal Ltd. against the defendant HAKOM concerning the enforcement of a ruling (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No. UsII-61/14-4 in an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff CITY EX Ltd. against the defendant HAKOM concerning the execution of HAKOM's postal inspector's ruling (pdf) |