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ISO 9001:2008 - Upravljanje kvalitetom

May '16

Decisions, Resolutions and Judgements
Decisions and rulings
Decision in the procedure for the imposition of a monthly fee for the service of fully unbundled access to the local loop on the basis of a copper pair established on the basis of an updated BU-LRAIC+ cost model (pdf)
Decision in the procedure for the establishment of a rate of return on capital invested in fixed and mobile network  (pdf)
Decision on the granting of consent for HT's 2015 regulatory accounting documentation (pdf)
Decision on the revocation of the license for use of the RF spectrum on a vessel granted to GEO DRIL Ltd. (pdf)
Ruling on illegal advertising of the 1414 short code by operator Eko Paratus Ltd. (pdf)
Ruling on payment of the compensation for delayed number porting -  IT Jedan (pdf)
Ruling on payment of the compensation for delayed number porting - Terrakom (pdf)
Ruling on payment of the compensation for delayed number porting -  IT Jedan - Iskon Internet (pdf)
Decision on the suspension of a procedure for the granting of licenses for use of the RF spectrum for broadband wireless access in the 10 - 10.3 Ghz frequency band in the territory of Region 3 initiated on the basis of a public invitation (pdf)
Administrative Court judgements
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Osijek, Ref. No. UsI-1730/15-2 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Split, Ref. No. 3 UsI-2263/13-11 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Rijeka, Ref. No. 7UsI-1414/13-11 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Split, Ref. No. 3Usl-4/15-15 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-4029/13-22 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgments of the High Administrative Court
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-50/13-11 concerning an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom Inc. against HAKOM's decision concerning inspection supervision over the fulfilment of regulatory obligations (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-52/13-10 concerning an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom Inc. against HAKOM's decision concerning the imposition of regulatory obligations on operators (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-37/13-9 concerning an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom Inc. against HAKOM's decision concerning the supervision over the fulfilment of regulatory obligations (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court o the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. Usž-975/16-2 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No. UsII-7/14-6 in an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff CITY EX Ltd. against the defendant HAKOM concerning postal supervision (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No. UsII-54/16-3 in an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Weber Escal Ltd. against the defendant HAKOM concerning the enforcement of a ruling (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No. UsII-61/14-4 in an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff CITY EX Ltd. against the defendant HAKOM concerning the execution of HAKOM's postal inspector's ruling (pdf)
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