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ISO 9001:2008 - Upravljanje kvalitetom

February '16

Decisions, Resolutions and Judgements
Decisions and rulings
Decision concerning unavailability of services in the operator change procedure upon request of user I. G. from G., S. (pdf)
Decision on the payment of the compensation for delayed number porting to the user G. D. from R., H.b.  (pdf)
Decision on the payment of compensation for the inability to use the service of Daing Ltd. (pdf)
Decision concerning the non-compliance with the provisions of Article 49 of the Electronic Communications Act – Kron Ltd. (pdf)
Ruling on the execution of the ruling issued to WEBER ESCAL on the manner of dealing with a user complaint (pdf)
Ruling in a regulatory dispute initiated upon request submitted by Optima Telekom Inc. Zagreb against Hrvatski Telekom Inc. establishing the right of Optima Telekom Inc. to charge for additional interconnection services pursuant to the Minimum Offer of 1 July 2013 and ordering Hrvatski Telekom Inc. to pay the difference for the use of additional interconnection services for the period from 1 August 2013 to 1 May 2015 (pdf)
Decision on the appointment of members of the commission for radio amateur exam for A and P classes (pdf)
Ruling confirming the amount of the fee for the participation in the radio amateur exam (pdf)
 Administrative Court judgements
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-3519/14-10 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-288/14-6 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-5133/13-10 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgments of the High Administrative Court
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No.  UsII-26/-8 concerning the provision of value added postal services - CityEx Ltd. (pdf)
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