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ISO 9001:2008 - Upravljanje kvalitetom

August '16

Decisions, Resolutions and Judgements
Decisions and rulings
Ruling on the suspension of proceedings in the regulatory dispute initiated upon H1 Telekom's request against Hrvatski Telekom and in the regulatory dispute initiated on the basis of a counterclaim submitted by Hrvatski Telekom against H1 Telekom concerning the calculation of interconnection traffic for indirect international termination (pdf)
Ruling accepting an objection submitted by the railway undertaking HŽ Cargo Ltd. against first amendments to the 2017 Network Report of the infrastructure manager HŽ Infrastrutura Ltd. as well-founded and annulling item 3 of the Decision on amendments to the 2017 Network Report and ordering HŽ Infrastruktura Ltd. to amend item 3.6.3. of 2017 Network Report by prescribing and elaborating the criteria for the definition of railway stations where shunting is permitted (pdf)
Decision of a postal inspector on the use of the stamp by LIDER EXPRESS Ltd. from Zagreb (pdf)
Judgments of the High Administrative Court
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia Ref. No. Usž-544/16-4 concerning a user's complaint against a HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Decisions notified to the European Commission
Proposal for a decision imposing prices for the wholesale broadband access service on the basis of ADSL/VDSL technology in the public fixed communications network of the company Hrvatski Telekom Inc. and prices for virtual channels for VoIP and IPTV services and supervision of user equipment via ADSL/VDSL access for the period from 17 July 2013 to 1 October 2014 with a view to notifying the European Commission (pdf)
Proposal for a decision imposing on the company Hrvatski Telekom Inc. the obligation to charge monthly fees for the service of wholesale broadband access calculated on the basis of an updated BU-LRAIC+ cost model, with a view to notifying the European Commission (pdf)
Proposal for a decision imposing on the company Hrvatski Telekom Inc. the obligation to charge monthly fees for the service of wholesale high-quality access calculated on the basis of an updated BU-LRAIC+ cost model, with a view to notifying the European Commission (pdf)
Proposal for a decision in the procedure for the imposition of a monthly fee for the interconnection service in the public fixed communications network calculated on the basis of an updated BU-LRAIC+ cost model with a view to notifying the European Commission (pdf)
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