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ISO 9001:2008 - Upravljanje kvalitetom

Publication of Technical Interface Specifications

R&TT equipment
Radio interface is defined as the specification of the regulated use of radio spectrum. HAKOM shall determine and publish information on the radio interfaces which are regulated in the Republic of Croatia.
Operators of public electronic communications networks in the Republic of Croatia shall publish the types of interfaces offered by their electronic communications networks. They should publish accurate and adequate technical specifications of such interfaces of their electronic communications networks before electronic communications services provided through those interfaces are made publicly available, and regularly publish any updated technical interface specifications.
The technical specifications shall be in sufficient detail to permit the design of telecommunications terminal equipment capable of utilising all electronic communications services provided through the corresponding interface, and shall include, inter alia, all the information necessary to allow manufacturers to carry out, at their choice, the relevant tests for the essential applicable to the telecommunications terminal equipment.


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