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ISO 9001:2008 - Upravljanje kvalitetom

Town and country planning documents – physical plans

Construction Conditions
HAKOM defines requests for the contents of part of physical plans that are related to electronic communications (before: telecommunications) infrastructure. Due to large scope of work, especially to great number of physical plans for smaller areas and detailed urban plans, as well as to Plan amendments procedure, standardized requests/opinions for the content of physical plans related to electronic communications infrastructure have been made. Considering the level of planning the requests/opinions have been divided into:
  • Requests/guidelines for drawing up physical plans of counties, big cities and municipalities
  • Requests /guidelines for drawing up urban plans of cities, settlements and parts of settlements
  • Requests /guidelines for drawing up detailed urban plan
Pursuant to the Act on Physical Planning and Construction, HAKOM participates in the procedure of adopting physical plans starting with giving requests /guidelines(decision of the planners to start the procedure of drawing up the plan or plan amendment), through Prior and Public Consultations, to giving opinion to the final proposal of the Plan in accordance with Article 94 of the Act on Physical Planning and Construction.
Some 700 cases are processed every year.
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