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Annual data and indicators of the electronic communications and postal services in the Republic of Croatia:
Mobile telephony services- (number of subscribers, penetration, market share, ported numbers)
Fixed telephony services - (number of subscribers, penetraton, market share, ported numbers,)
Broadband access services - (broadband subscriptions, penetration, broadband subscriptions by county, broadbend penetration by county)
Television services - (market share by reception type)
Postal services - (total services, universal services, other services)
Quarterly data and indicators of the electronic communications and postal services in the Republic of Croatia:
Mobile telephony services - (number of subscribers, penetration, market share, share of prepaid and postpaid subscribers, ported numbers)
Fixed telephony services - (CPS subscribers, market share, ported numbers)
Broadband access services - (broadband subscriptions, penetration, broadband subscriptions by county, broadband penetration by county, mobile broadband penetration, bundled services subscribers)
Television services - (market share by reception type)
Postal services - (total number of services, shares of providers, types of services, types of items, universal service)