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ISO 9001:2008 - Upravljanje kvalitetom

Reporting interference

HAKOM performs measuring, testing, monitoring and elimination of interferences in the radio frequency spectrum, caused by communication or technical equipment. Interference is reported by the licensee for the use of radio frequency spectrum. In the case of general license, the interference shall be reported by the user of the interfered equipment.
HAKOM bears the full cost of the above mentioned tasks, except when determined that the source of interference is the equipment owned by the licensee for the use of radio frequency spectrum who reported interference or when the interference reported by by the owner of general licence is unjustified. In such cases HAKOM shall submit to the applicant the bill of the costs for measuring and testing of interferences.
Guidance on reporting interference and the related form can be found here.

For interference in the reception of radio and television programmes, please report interference directly to the broadcasters, and in the case of programme of Hrvatska Radiotelevizija, please notify Odašiljači i veze d.o.o. 

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