November '11
Novi Net – issuance of 3410-3600 MHz license
Novi net – license withdrawal
Judgement of the Croatian Administrative Court No. Us-3091/2010-5 – concerning the conditions and the manner of access and shared use of ECI
Issuance of a license for the use of 10 – 10,3 GHz RF spectrum for Region 3 area
Decision by which VIPnet d.o.o. is requested to harmonize and change the existing Conditions of Use of “At other’s account” tariff
(Note: "the Decision does not contain confidential information")
Corrigendum to the Decision on modification of SP WLR of 21/11/2011
Metronet v. HT-dispute concerning regulatory obligation to apply cost-oriented price of ECI
Withdrawal of RF spectrum license from Nautic radio d.o.o. company
Decision on prices of HT’s bitstream access service at IP level based on copper by applying “retail minus 60%”
Ruling of the Croatian Administrative Court No. Us-7212/2010-4 on HT action against supervisor’s decision
Rejection of HT objection to the issuance of HAKOM’s expert opinion of 24/05/2011
Suspension of procedure of granting number 116 123
Suspension of procedure of granting number 116 111
Decision on amendments of HT’s Wholesale Line Rental RO
Rejection of Metronet’s request to change prices of the HT ‘s Super Business 1500 package
Inspector’s decision-HT – disruption of interactivity of el. com. services and non-compliance with the regulatory obligation of non-discrimination
Withdrawal of license for the use of RF spectrum from Šibenska Maslina company
Withdrawal of license for the use of RF spectrum from natural person Velimir Mrak
Withdrawal of license for the use of RF spectrum from Leteći Holandez company