September '11
Decision on the refusal of HT’s request to increase LLU prices
Suspension of 116117 number allocation procedure
Decision on identifying retail broadband access market as a market susceptible to
ex ante
, where document
Three criteria test
- Retail broadbend access market is constituent part of the decision
Interim decision on the procedure of inspection supervision over HT – suspension of provision of interconnection services to Primatel Company
Amendment of HT’s RO on the manner and conditions of access and shared use of ECI
Judgement of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia No. Us-1245/2007-5 by which the action by ISKON Internet d.d. Company is refused against the decision by the Agency by which WiMAX concession for the Zagreb County is withdrawn from ISKON Internet d.d.
Decision on identifying market for wholesale trunk segments of leased lines as a market susceptible to
ex ante
, where document
Three criteria test
- Market for wholesale trunk segments of leased lines is constituent part of the decision
Judgement of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia No. Us-8517/2008-6 in relation to administrative action by for modifications of VIPnet’s RIO (June 2008)
Judgement of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia No. Us-13146/2008-8 in relation to administrative action by for modifications in VIPnet’s RIO (July 2008)