October '15

Decisions and Resolutions
Decision on the rejection of the payment of the fee for delayed number porting (pdf)
Decision on the payment of the fee for delayed number porting to elementary school "Slavko Kolar" from Hercegovci, Braće Petr 2 (pdf)
Decision on the payment of the fee for delayed number porting to the user D.V.  (pdf)
Decision on the rejection of the payment of the fee for delayed number porting to user small business "Skoko" (pdf)
Decision on the payment of the fee for delayed number porting to the user Z.B., L. 44, from Š.L. (pdf)
Decision on inspection supervision over companies Terrakom d.o.o. and IT Jedan d.o.o. for the violation of provisions of Articles 73 and 74 of the ECA (pdf)
Partial decision concerning inspection supervision over companies Terrakom d.o.o. and IT Jedan d.o.o. for the violation of provisions of Article 73 of the ECA (pdf)
Decision issuing to company Imenik d.o.o. a prior approval for prices of universal services of access to a comprehensive directory of all subscribers of publicly available telephone directory services (pdf)
Statement of the alignment of methodology for accounting separation of universal service provider HP- Hrvatska pošta d.d. applied in the submitted regulatory report for 2014 with the provisions of Article 47 of the Postal Services Act and HAKOM's Decisions on the manner of accounting separation for the universal service provider  (pdf)
Decision on the establishment of the amount of net cost representing an unfair financial burden on the universal service provider HP-Hrvatska pošta d.d. (pdf)
The decision on the invitation of a public auction for the granting of licences for use of the RF spectrum for public mobile electronic communications networks in the territory of the Republic of Croatia  (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia Ref. No. UsII-110/14-7 in an administrative dispute of the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom d.d. against a decision adopted by the defendant HAKOM in a case for the resolution of a dispute between operators (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-3662/13-20 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Osijek, No. 3 UsI-666/15-9 in an administrative dispute concerning a user's complaint for the annulment of HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia Ref. No. UsII-105/13-6 in an administrative dispute initiated by the plaintiff Hrvatski Telekom d.d. against the defendant HAKOM concerning the resolution of a dispute between operators (pdf)
Judgment of the High Misdemeanour Court of the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. Gž-303/15 for a misdemeanour referred to in Article 118.1.2. of the ECA (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-4006/13-12 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No.: UsI-4304/13-8 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No.: UsI-5118/13-8 in an administrative dispute concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision on inspection supervision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb Ref. No.: UsI-3562/13-10 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Osijek Ref. No.: 7 UsI-398/15-11 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
 Decisions notified to the European Commission
Draft decision - amendments to market analyses M1/2007, M3a/2014 and M3b/2014 referring to the obligation of price supervision (pdf)