May '15
Decisions and resolutions
Decision laying down the conditions for IP interconnection (pdf)
Document on conditions for IP interconnection (pdf)
Replies to comments concerning IP- interconnection (pdf)
Decision on giving prior consent to the new Consolidated Plan for the Development of Mobile Communications Infrastructure of 25 February 2015 and new Plan for the Development of Electronic Communications Infrastructure in Broadcasting Networks of 19 March 2015 (pdf)
Proposal for the consolidated plan (xlsx)
Proposal for broadcasting (xlsx)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia Ref. No. UsII-23/14-8 concerning the resolution of the dispute between providers of universal service and users of access to the postal network (pdf) |
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Rijeka, Ref. No. 3 UsI-164/14-17 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the RoC, Ref. No. UsII-20/13-10 concerning the failure to comply with the regulatory obligation of transparency (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia Ref. No. UsII-59/13-9 concerning the implementation of the regulatory obligation of supervision of prices for call termination on a public mobile communications network (pdf) |
Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia No. U-III-2247/2012 on the rejection of the constitutional complaint submitted by the company MARKOT.TEL. d.o.o. (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-64/14 concerning the execution of a postal inspector's decision - CityEX (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-74/14 concerning a decision on coercive execution of a postal inspector's decision - CityEX (pdf) |
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, Ref. No. UsII-74/14 concerning a decision on coercive execution of a postal inspector's decision - CityEX (pdf) |
Decisions notified to the European Commission
Draft decision – Analysis of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location (pdf)
Document containing the analysis (pdf)
Draft decision – Analysis of the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for mass-market products (pdf)
Document containing the analysis (pdf)
Retail BB
Draft decision – The Three Criteria Test on the retail market for wholesale broadband access (pdf)
The Three Criteria Test (pdf)