March '15

Decisions and Resolutions
Decision on the revocation of licences for use of the RF spectrum to VFM d.o.o. (pdf)
Decision on the revocation of licences for use of the RF spectrum to ZAGORSKI RADIO d.o.o. (pdf)
Decision for VIPnet d.o.o. on the reimbursement of the fee for early termination of contract to TP-Consent d.o.o. (pdf)
Decision on suspension of the procedure for the adoption of a decision on the provision of substitute postal services on the basis of a notification for provision of substitute postal services by A2B Express Logistika d.o.o (pdf)
Decision laying down that the relevant market of call origination from public communications networks provided at a fixed location is susceptible to ex ante regulation and imposing regulatory obligations on HT as a SMP operator on that relevant market (pdf)
  • Document containing the analysis  (pdf)
Decision laying down that the relevant market of wholesale call termination on an individual public telephone network provided at a fixed location is susceptible to ex ante regulation and imposing regulatory obligations on SMP operators on the relevant market (pdf)
  • Document containing the analysis  (pdf)
Decision laying down that the relevant market of wholesale voice call termination on an individual mobile network in susceptible to ex ante regulation and imposing regulatory obligations on operators HT, Tele2 and Vipnet as SMP operators on the relevant market (pdf)
  • Document containing the analysis (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Rijeka, Ref. No. 3 UsI-1761/13-16 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Zagreb, Ref. No. UsI-3953/13-7 concerning a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Ruling of the High Administrative Court of the RoC, Ref. No. UsII-6/15-4 on the suspensive effect of the judgment (pdf)
Judgment of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia Ref. No. UsII-11/12-15 on the provision of the service of unbundled access to the local loop to beneficiary operators (pdf)
Judgment of the Administrative Court in Rijeka, Ref. No.: UsI-1724/13-5 on a user's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Ruling of the Administrative Court in Split, Ref. No. 3 UsI-4/15-4 concerning a user's proposal for a suspensive effect of a complaint (pdf)