September '14

Decisions and Resolutions

Decision on granting a license for radio spectrum usage for service provision management of electronic communications network of digital television in area of digital region L-ZA (municipality Zaprešić, Bistra, Luka, Jakovlje, Dubravica, Pušća, Marija Gorica i Brdovec) to Odašiljači i veze d.o.o. (pdf)

Judgments by Administrative Court
Ruling of High Administrative Court No. USII-76/2014-6 on rejecting the request of Optima Telekom d.d.  for interim measure (pdf)
Ruling of Administrative Court in Rijeka, No. 3 Usl-1578/13-16 due to customer's complaint against HAKOM's decision (pdf)
Ruling of High Administrative Court No. USII-64-2014-5 on rejecting the request of CITY EX d.o.o. for interim measure (pdf)
Ruling of the High Administrative Court No. USII-74-2014-3 on rejecting the request of CITY EX d.o.o. for interim measure (pdf)
Decisions notified to the European Commission

Draft Decision - Market access analysis of public communications network access at a fixed location for residential and business customers (pdf) 
  • Document analysis (pdf)

Draft Decision - Three-criteria test of publicly available telephone services market in local and/or national telephone services traffic provided at a fixed location for residential customers (pdf)
  • Document Three-criteria test (pdf)

Draft Decision - Three-criteria test of publicly available telephone services market in local and/or national telephone services traffic provided at a fixed location for business customers (pdf)
  • Document Three-criteria test (pdf)