Putting into service and notification on commencement of operationHow to notify on the commencement of operation?
Before putting a radio station into service, for which an obligation to submit data exists, it is necessary to submit data on the geographical location and technical specifications for each installed radio station or changes to data on the existing radio station to HAKOM. The licensees for the use of radio frequency spectrum on a vessel, aircraft and in amateur service are exempt from this obligation, as well as users of radio frequency spectrum operating on a general license which does not require notification. Instructions and application forms for putting radio stations into service, and appertaining minutes on installations can be found on the following pages:
In case of change of radio station parameters in relation to the license for the use of radio frequency spectrum for broadcasting granted on the basis of public tender or public auction (DVB-T and DVB-H multiplexes), the licensee is obliged to notify HAKOM on these changes 30 days before the planned commencement of operation. The radio station can be put into service only after the approval from HAKOM has been acquired.
Instructions on changes of radio station parameters in relation to the license for the use of radio frequency spectrum for broadcasting granted on the basis of public tender or public auction and the form can be found here.