August '13
Decision and Resolution
Decision on assessment procedure for application of intent to merge VIPnet d.o.o. and ISTARSKA KABELSKA d.o.o. companies (pdf) |
Decision on calling public auction for issuance of licenses for use of radio-frequency spectrum for public electronic communications mobile networks in the territory of Republic of Croatia for 791-821/832-862 MHz frequency band (pdf)
Decision in inspection supervision procedure over operator of special rate services– Maris Lupus d.o.o., Medulin (pdf) |
Decision in inspection supervision procedure over operator of special rate services – Morgenarh d.o.o., Fužine (pdf) |
Decision on calling the third round of competition for award of state subsidies from Programme for Internet and Broadband Access Development in Areas of Special State Concern, in Highland Areas and on Islands (pdf) |