July '13

 Decision and Resolution
Resolution – suspension of inspection supervision procedure of monitoring the fulfilment of conditions of Roaming Regulation HT (pdf)
Resolution – inspection supervision over HT for non-compliance with remedies in public procurement (PMF) (pdf) (Note: data on the amount of offered prices have been removed from the text of the resolution for protection purposes)
Resolution – approval of request to postpone enforcement of resolution CLASS UPI-344-07-13-01-40 (pdf)
Resolution – approval of request to postpone resolution CLASS UP-I-344-07-13-01-40 for public procurement (Customs Administration) (pdf)
Resolution – inspection supervision over HT non-compliance with remedies in public procurement (Customs Administration) (pdf) (Note: data on the amount of offered prices have been removed from the text of the resolution for protection purposes)
Resolution – suspension of inspection supervision procedure of monitoring the fulfilment of conditions of Roaming Regulation (pdf)
Resolution in inspection supervision procedure over operator – Hrvatski Telekom d.d. Zagreb – in relation to checking the manner of use and maintenance of electronic communications infrastructure and other associated facilities in Rijeka(pdf)
Decision on performance of interchangeable postal services for Weber Escal d.o.o.  (pdf)
Resolution on suspension of procedure for issuance of decision on performance of interchangeable postal services POST d.o.o. (pdf)
Decision on suspension of procedure for determining grounds of claims by Hrvatski Telekom d.d. towards H1 Telekom d.d. for provided wholesale services (pdf)
Decision on suspension of procedure for dispute resolution between OT – Optima Telekom d.d. and Hrvatski Telekom d.d. for disbursement of compensations for delay (pdf)
Decision on revocation of license for RF spectrum usage on a vessel to Mr. Fabijan Tabaković (pdf)
Decision on dispute between Hrvatska pošta d.d. and CityEX d.o.o. concerning access to universal service providers’ network (pdf)
Decision on performance of interchangeable postal services for VUK-COM d.o.o. company (pdf)
Decision on appointment of Ivana Bikić, LLM, as Assistant Director of HAKOM  (pdf)
Decision on appointment of Marko Čavlović, M.Econ., as Assistant Director of HAKOM (pdf)
Decision on appointment of Dalibor Lončar, LLM, as Assistant Director of HAKOM  (pdf)
Decision on amendment of scope of work for Željko Tabaković, M.Sc., Assistant Director of HAKOM  (pdf)
Resolution on rejection of request to renew proceedings in regulatory dispute of H1 v. HT, for compensation due to delay (pdf)
Decision on assessment of acquisition and merger upon request by VIPnet (pdf)
Corrigendum of decision on award of subsidies, 2nd round (pdf)
Judgments and resolutions by High Administrative Court
Judgment of High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia No. Us-8247/2011-5 in matter of OT v. HAKOM for dispute resolution between subscribers and operators (pdf)
Judgment of High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia No. UsII-20/2012-7 in dispute of customer M.F. v. HAKOM, for annulment of resolution (pdf)
Judgment of High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia No. UsII-20/2012-7 on action by Hrvatski Telekom d.d. v. HAKOM’s decision, for dispute resolution between customer and operator (pdf)
Resolution by High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia No. UsII-37/2012-6 in proceedings of Hrvatski Telekom d.d. v. HAKOM’s decision, for dispute resolution between customer and operator (pdf)